Saturday, August 11, 2012

Family Feud-Time to play a favorite family game

Every family in the United States and the UnitFamily Feuded

Kingdom know about this favorite TV game show called  the Family Feud. The name of the game is that two families play against each other and answer various question by the host of the show. The question are sometimes easy but can be a bit tricky.

However, in real life when families get together we know that there can be some real feuding and it isn’t about a game. It can be down right ugly!

With all of the issues of life and all that comes with it when it comes to it all we need to do is  take a break and have a little fun and laughter.

Take some time out and get your laugh on by playing a game of family feud and have some fun!

Get your game on here. Have a ball with it!

Remember you can relieve yourself of a lot of stress and family feud when you add a little laughter to your life. Your life doesn’t have to be boring.

In closing: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Ann Moses
~Victorious Woman


  1. I have to take a break and now and then just so that I can hear myself laugh!

  2. Ann,

    You are so right that many times when we get together with our family that there can be bumping of heads. I guess because our family knows all of our good as well as bad. It is a good idea to find a positive way to reinforce bonds. My favorite tv show game is family feud. I think I will take this idea when we go to visit our family soon.

