Why you should join Ultimate Cycler and tell everyone about it?
Earning Money Online
I Problem
a. Home based business owners have a lack of people to talk to about their business.
b. Scams, people have been used, and abused. (We want to help make things right)
c. Economy, Companies are down –sizing. Good jobs are disappearing, people are being told that they are overqualified. People need to make $$$ right now, not next month or in two weeks, but rather right now! Would instant & direct pay interest you?????
a. Home based business owners have a lack of people to talk to about their business.
b. Scams, people have been used, and abused. (We want to help make things right)
c. Economy, Companies are down –sizing. Good jobs are disappearing, people are being told that they are overqualified. People need to make $$$ right now, not next month or in two weeks, but rather right now! Would instant & direct pay interest you?????
II Purpose
a. Solve the above Problems, we empower people to make money fast and in an honest way. We are not a get rich quick scheme, but rather a get rich quicker system with a proven track record!
b. Empower the average person to make above average income in below average time.
c. Equip Networkers with the tools they need to more effectively do their business (no competition)
III President and CEO
a. Peter Wolfing a marine, out of New York, Family man, involved in Network Marketing for over two decades. He creates business that provides tools to help people do their business better.
b. He could keep all the $ like Bill Gates does but he gives us 100%, instant, commissions!
IV Parent company
a. Multiplex Systems a US based company
b. A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau
c. Debt Free
d. Just shy of a 15 year old
e. 520,000 satisfied customers world wide
* We have the best of both worlds, security, and positioning. (only 15k members since Feb.6th) members have already received 1.5 Million, wouldn't you like to get part of the next Million?
V Products
b. Motivator & Personal Development App for Android & I-phone (
c. Christian App for Android & I-Phone (
d. Finance App for Android & I-Phone (
e. Dr BreakThrough APP Android & I-Phone ($49 value)
f. Lead Scraper Software (used to produce leads) (
g. Premium Website (most charge monthly a fee) ($199 value)
h. Eight Professional Lead Capture Pages (
i. Preset Auto-responder System 19 Msgs/49 days ($97 value)
j. Banner Space Advertising for your business(s) We do not compete we compliment (
k. Position In 2x2 Business Center w/ instant pay ($99 value)
m. Platform (If you are a speaker, author, artist, etc) (Priceless)
You will receive15 products and services valued at over $2,000 for one low price of only $25 one time, no auto ship, no hidden fees, no gotchas! It's like a business FIRE sale - Wikipedia says "fire sale- sale of goods at extremely discounted prices". It used to associated with a discount because of a fire, we want you to get fired up about our Business Fire Sale of goods and services that have never been damaged. It may seem too good to be true, but this is a case when it's both good and true, just try it!
You will receive15 products and services valued at over $2,000 for one low price of only $25 one time, no auto ship, no hidden fees, no gotchas! It's like a business FIRE sale - Wikipedia says "fire sale- sale of goods at extremely discounted prices". It used to associated with a discount because of a fire, we want you to get fired up about our Business Fire Sale of goods and services that have never been damaged. It may seem too good to be true, but this is a case when it's both good and true, just try it!
VI Pay Plan
a. Out of every six sales that you or your team make, you get paid 100% commission on four of them, paid directly to you, instantly!
b. 2x2 forced matrix business center with a follow your sponsor and instant pay feature along with phone notification.
c. My company pays me $50 every time I help you make $100. So how many $100's would you like to make, because I want to make as many $50's as I can?
d. Our concept is simple, just bring two and help your people get two. Would you like to make a little money slow, or a lot of money fast?
f. Pay a one time $10 upgrade fee and enter into the $50 business center.
g. Out of every six sales you get paid 100% commission off at least four of them paid directly to you. 4x50=$200. Pay another $10 upgrade fee to purchase the $100 business center (This gets you more banner impressions as well as more tickets to attend online webinars and trainings. Every six sell you make 100% commission at least four directly paid to you. Same for the $200 and $400 dollar level. As of June 8th of 2013 there was added an $800 level. If you are at this level you can make $3,200.
There is no way that Ultimate Cycler can predict how much money you make and we are not telling you that you will make the targeted amount. However, everyone who participates in the program works at a different level and the amount of money that one earns is based on how much time, energy and effort that is put into the program.
VII Promise
a. If it’s not Win, Win, Win then we are not in
b. "We do not use people to build our business, but rather we use our business to build people".
c. If you commit to doing two simple thing. (1) can you find 2 people with $25. (2) Can you get at least 6 people on one of the conference calls?
If you commit to doing those 2 things you will be on you way to living your dream.
Get with the person who gave you the number to the call and get their link and get started now... If you graduated from Yale or just got out of Jail this program is for you. If Ray Charles, were alive I believe he would say to Stevie Wonder,even we can see this.
If you can see it you can Seize it.
If not you may become P.O.O.R Passing Over Opportunities
Repeatedly . However, when you get started today you can become R.I.C.H. Raking in cash hourly.
c. If you commit to doing two simple thing. (1) can you find 2 people with $25. (2) Can you get at least 6 people on one of the conference calls?
If you commit to doing those 2 things you will be on you way to living your dream.
Get with the person who gave you the number to the call and get their link and get started now... If you graduated from Yale or just got out of Jail this program is for you. If Ray Charles, were alive I believe he would say to Stevie Wonder,even we can see this.
If you can see it you can Seize it.
If not you may become P.O.O.R Passing Over Opportunities
Repeatedly . However, when you get started today you can become R.I.C.H. Raking in cash hourly.
Click here and you can get started today and earn money today!
Total Value, over $2,000 worth of useable products……..99% off, Only a one- time payment of $25
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